The Timechart Project

1969 – the moon landing

We chose 1969 as a significant date because it was the first time man had walked upon the moon.

On 20th July 1969 Apollo 11 (on board were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin) landed on the moon, this filled Americans across the whole country with joy, pride and relief.   After World War One, World War Two and the Cold War this event gave the Americans more pride.  It was a huge achievement for the Americans who were in a head to head race to the moon against the Soviet Union.  

The moon landing is viewed as a huge achievement and significant date across the world because people believe that to go to space is amazing and to be the first person on the moon… that’s phenomenal!  The moon landing had never been achieved before and some thought it would be impossible to land a large object onto a planet so far from earth.