Our Stories

Since the time our story started in 1794, we have been witness to many interesting characters and intriguing events, while at the same time playing a key role in many pivotal moments in British military history. In this section of the website we share the fascinating stories of just a small selection of these people and events. These stories are also available to see on the touchscreens in our museum. If you have a story that you think we should add, please get in touch with our curator.

The Mountaineer
Boer War and WW1 soldier, medical officer, and Olympic medallist
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The Newly-Weds
The stories behind the two sliver salvers in the museum
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The Standard Bearer
John Morrison, grandson of a Ghanaian tribal chief, WW2 airman, and ceremonial standard bearer
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The Peace Keeper
Brenda Traylen, Sharpshooter and Policewoman, who has served as a peacekeeper in Bosnia
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The Admiral
Accomplished officer who got his nickname from a map reading error on training
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