The Schoolboy Stow-away

Soldiers of West Kent Yeomanry resting behind the trenches - Listen to the letter being read by Adam Fleming, aged 15, Bennett School. Please do not move to the next page until you get to the end of the recording

Second letter from the trenches - 1

Sat 20th Nov

My darling mother

I have received 4 of your letters but I am sorry to say that mine would not have got you until the 22nd of last month. You need not have fears as to my health at present. I can’t think what it will be like in the winter, only the other day we had a most awful storm which washed nearly the whole regiment out of their dugouts. And when the winter comes, most of the cemeteries will be washed away, as it was a good many dead were seen floating about. I happened to have a fairly good dugout which only let in a little water.

I have been up in the trenches for 5 days and I was so dirty when I came back you would never have recognised me. Already I am getting the colour of the country here, my face has got a sandy hue to it. Next week we are going up to the trenches for 14 days. I expect we will be pretty tired of it when we come out….

Listen to the letter being read by Adam Fleming, aged 15, Bennett School. Please do not move to the next page until you get to the end of the recording.